Friday, June 02, 2006

A bargain

Mum: How much for this bunch of bananas?

Fruit Seller: $1.80

Mum examines it further. Found some common black bruises on the bananas.

Mum: There are a few dark stains on the banana. Why don’t you sell it to me at $1.70?

Fruit Seller: Mdm, those dark marks are made when loading/unloading the bananas. It is inevitable to have such marks.

Mum: But the blue black will make the banana spoil faster.

Fruit Seller: Ok lah. Ten cents also make no difference.

Mum paid $1.70...

The morale of the story: Do not try to bargain with my mum, her $0.10 is bigger than the bull cart wheel... Lol~ Come to think about it. It’s rather remarkable that she managed to scrimp and save up those ‘pathetic’ few cents to raise 3 kids. I’m literally raised up on those few cents. Hah~ Amazing...


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