Saturday, May 20, 2006

Theories, rules, policies, laws, regulations, terms and conditions?

Desprorado’s number 1 rule:

“All the above rules are subject to changes”

Effectively speaking, this last rule is always the most powerful rule in the history of mankind.

I respect the laws and order but it doesn’t mean that I’m going to adhere to it. Since young, I had learnt that books are dead and humans are alive. Am I talking craps? Nil...

The education system in my country had taught me that we should always raise our left hand when crossing the pedestrian (zebra) crossing, only crossing the road when the green lights are on and not to cross when the ‘green man’ is blinking. These are all politically correct moves as it will inculcate ‘good’ habits and safety movements. They taught you what is considered right and what is wrong. It’s called education. We are taught not to smoke, gamble, drink and other vice activities. Yet, most teens nowadays are getting more foolhardy. They are revolting and breaking the exact same ‘laws’. What the heck?

During my teens, I learned that it’s in a sense quite silly to always wait for the ‘green man’ before crossing the road. I began to understand that life’s not always that clear cut. What happens if there are neither traffic lights nor anything to guide you in crossing the roads? Do you blindly wait for ‘others’ to build traffic lights just for you? That is way out of the question because of the scarcity of land space and it would be pointless to build a traffic light in every corner just to accommodate one person. A trip outside would have cost you more time/money as you would need to wait for that little green man to light up. Besides, no cars would want to venture out when it’s uneconomically and downright expensive to own a car that takes hours to travel from one location to another destination. What the heck?

Hence, I exercised caution when crossing the streets. I learned to take care of my own safety. Most importantly, I learned not to get caught in the act when committing the heinous crime. Hah... I use logic and reasons to question myself. I think. I read the rules. I comprehend it if possible. Finally, I either follow it or make my own rules. On one hand, I’m not intentionally breaking rules and living my life on the edge. On the other hand, I’m living near the edge... What the heck?

I guess... At some point in time, we need to re-educate ourselves. Instead of blindly following everything that is taught to you by your teachers, parents and friends. What makes you so sure that they are correct? They may be people whom you respected but you need not take in everything that they said. They may be right to say that coffee is bad for you. Yet, they may be wrong as well because researches frequently came up with both good and bad points of coffee. One day it may be bad for health, the other day it may be good for health. That is why it’s all up to you in determining if coffee is good or bad for you. What the heck?

Life’s not just purely black and white; there are different shades of grey.

PS – I used the words “What the heck?” to question people and hopefully to spark up their thoughts. May seems crude but if it can get people to think, it would serve its purpose. Though I still feel that this entry is slightly deep for some people. It's also sort of 'disorganised'. What the.... Who cares?


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