Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Just realised that I've done a helluva jobs before. So I thought I shall share with peeps on the pros and cons of some of the jobs that I've done. Starting with my very first official job.

Security Officer - 16 years old
Location - One of those dormitory for mainly foreign workers (think blangadeshi, china man, m'sian, thai, viet etc)
Working hours - 8 AM - 8 PM or (8 PM to 8 AM includes 2-3 hours of sleep)
Working days - 6 days week
Pay - $40 per day
Days or Months lasted - 1+ month

Pros - Nothing to do. Only do a bit of clocking (taking a small device to designated points and scan those points.) Clocking is considered quite a major event as you would often see some things interesting. Writing down visitors IC and issue a contractor or visitor pass. Having 'fun' chasing after cars that happens to park at the dormitory (I've no idea why also but 'management' will scold if you don't do that.) Basically you have the time to do whatever you want and is also the best time to think things through or read some books or something. Physical fitness need not be tough as you will most probably be sitting all day long.

Cons - Same as above. To quote a friend "StupiD Job, HIGHLY NOT Recommend" You must be mentally tough to withstand the long and often boring hours or you would go kuku (crazy) and scratch your head for years... You may consider switching jobs to a ant-logists, rat-logist or cockroach-logist after observing how they move, their diets and their level of resistance before dying. There are plenty of ways to 'K' those creatures and all you need is a fertile imagination...

Misconceptions - Security officer must catch thieves... Security must be very fit. Security must know the roads around the area well. Security are friends with the ministers (inside joke).

Lessons learnt - "Time is never wasted when you have wasted all away."

Career Prospect - Not much of a career advancement... Would be suitable for retirees though as they can often reminisce about their "glorious days". I'm not bias against the elderly but it is often the case.

Shall be continued....


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