Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Child Who Cried Wolf (2)

With reference to my previous entry:

Actually the inspiration for this entry was due to a basketballer ABC. He was always toying with peoples’ trust and feelings. Then, on that particular day he got his retribution. It amuses me as I suddenly thought of him as the “boy” who cried wolf. In the end, no one trusts his words when he was telling the truth.

In my view, people were generally honest and trustworthy to begin with. However, they become corrupted, influenced or perhaps were cheated before hence they began to be untruthful. That mindset becomes “Since people cheated on me, I shall cheat people back.” To me that is so wrong... How could they cheat other poor innocents who done them no wrong? If they really want to get even with, they should settle their scores with the people who cheated them. Isn’t that the one of the most “correct” way? Instead, they felt that there is a need to cheat others as it made them feel good, groovy and great. Those “corrupted” people felt a sense of happiness because they have “infected” fellow companions who would suffer the same way as them. The sick feeling of being betrayed... I have absolutely no idea why “betrayal” starts in the first place but I do know that betrayers are “sick” people like the basketballer ABC.

As for me, I would not be like those sore sickos who felt the need to cheat or betray the trust of others just because they were cheated upon. I do not see the point or felt the satisfaction from betraying others. What’s the point? Cheat and be cheated is a vicious cycle and it never ends because of fools like basketballer ABC. Then, I would also not deliberately take revenge back on people who let me down. I would take it as a lesson and be more careful with such “people”. I may even forgive them, but I will never forget their deeds. I’ve a poor memory with certain matters but you can try me with regards to stuffs that I deemed to be important or memorable for good or bad.

Before ending, I shall make a clearer point on the word “TRUST”. Try flipping through any newspapers and you would see numerous cases like: daughter molested by dad, xxx company share prices increases and certain political party won and so on. The examples are endless. Like it or not, everyone is essentially trusting/expecting/believing somebody or something. More often than not, it is the betrayal of “TRUST” that causes a lot of people to be angry or mad. There is no reason not to trust people just because some bad eggs screwed you up. True to say, it is often difficult and may take time to trust others after getting hurt emotionally or physically. However, Desprorado is willing to be hurt again and again...

PS – If I’m not going to suffer, who’s going to suffer? Yea... Age old question “WHY ME!?”


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