Saturday, March 11, 2006

Oscar’s Movie Reviews (Part 2)

3. Brokeback Mountain

Movie Synopsis – Set in the 1960s, Brokeback Mountain narrates the tale of 2 guys who happened to have a special bond after obtaining the task of sheepherding in the lush greens of Wyoming (a state of the Western United States). The intensity and degree of love shown is special and transcend beyond the understanding of normal people.

My personal opinion: The accents by the actors are too strong for my liking as I struggled to understand their conversations throughout the film. Yea, I’m a Singaporean and not accustomed to foreign tones. Hence, I’m unable to make much of a comment. Nevertheless, it’s still another Oscar award winning film with noteworthy scenes and lush landscape.

Length of film: 134 mins

Best defining quote/tagline: “I wish I knew how to quit you”

4. Transamerica

Movie Synopsis – The main character of the show is a male to female transsexual who is about to undergo the last stage of his operation. However, he learns that he had a son at the last hurdle. As a result, he’s unable to continue his operations without resolving the issue. To make matter worse, his son is a troubled teenager who was mistreated by his step-father.

My personal opinion: Felicity Huffman is a real life female. In this film, the make-up and expressions of hers made her looks exactly like a transsexual. She was credible in her role that I thought that a male was acting out the role. Besides her acting, the film itself also led us to think about the various situations that a male faces in order to become a female.

Length of film: 103 mins

Best defining quote/tagline: “My body may be a work-in-progress, but there is nothing wrong with my soul.”

5. Crash

Movie Synopsis – 2 young African-American thieves, a African-American detective, a white district attorney and his wife, a Hispanic locksmith, a white cop and his partner, an African-American producer and his wife, and a Persian store owner. This is not a typical racism film, as the sub-plot intertwines to form the aptly named “Crash”.

My personal opinion: This film sets me thinking and also affirmed my belief that things are not as simple as it seems. To sidetrack awhile, a psychotic murderer may be the results of an abusive father. A talkative and friendly person may feel lonely and insecure, hence the need to “attract” attention. Back to the film, the storyline on racism is hard to explain as its like bits and pieces of puzzles which forms a complete picture when completed. A nice picture indeed, I would have ranked this before the other Oscar’s movies due to its wonderful story which can be related to any normal guy out on the street. Bravo!

Length of film: 113 mins

Best defining quote/tagline: “You think you know who you are. You have no idea.”


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